APA 7th Edition: Resources for Faculty and Students
The 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual was released in October of 2019. Numerous resources are available to assist students in comprehensively writing and properly formatting their papers in APA format, but what are the major changes that you should know about?

Properly cited sources add authority and clarity to your written work, as well as avoiding plagiarism.
Major Changes from the 6th Edition
This is not a comprehensive list but includes the most likely examples that UNE students and faculty will encounter in assignments.
- A running head (for student papers)
- Publisher location in the reference list
- “Retrieved from” in references (unless the URL is date-specific)
- More fonts: The list of acceptable fonts has increased (but many professional publications still require Times New Roman)
- Sans serif: 11-point Calibri, 11-point Arial, 10-point Lucinda Sans Unicode
- Serif: 12-point Times New Roman, 11-point Georgia, 10-point Computer Modern
- One space after a period or other punctuation
- Inclusive and bias-free language, including the use of the singular “they”
- For more information on inclusive and bias-free language, see the APA’s Style Guide
Resources for Students and Faculty
- The APA website has very clear style guides and instructional aids
- For students needing a refresher or more in-depth assistance with academic and professional writing, the Academic Writer Tutorial: Basics of 7th Edition APA Style is excellent
- Sample papers are also included on the APA site
- UNE Resources have also been updated to reflect the 7th edition of APA
- The APA website has very clear style guides and instructional aids
Evaluating Sources and Creating Quality Writing
The UNE Library and Student Academic Success Center have numerous resources on quality academic writing and the critical evaluation of sources, in addition to APA-specific resources.
(3:44; closed-captioned; transcript)
UNE Library’s Research Help includes resources on:
- Determining Scholarly Sources
- Identifying Fake News
- Specific Research Subject Guides for all graduate programs
UNE’s Student Academic Success Center (SASC) resources include:
- Welcome Video: SASC’s Writing and Tutoring Services (1:00, closed-captioned)
- Instructional Guides and Tutorials tailored for the Online Programs on the SASC Webpage
- APA Citation Overview (7th Edition) handout
The UNE Library and SASC also offer one-on-one assistance and tutoring, both in-person and online.