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MSW Field Placement

MSW Field Placement Directory The Patterson Center

The Patterson Center

Address: 5373 N. Union Blvd Suite 203
City: Colorado Springs
Zip/Postal Code: 80918
Phone Number(s): (719) 300-5735
On-Site Supervisor/Contact: Danielle Patterson, LCSW

Description: We currently have the following two internship programs that we admit students to in January, May, and August. We do require that students attend for at least 2 consecutive semesters for a minimum of 12 hours per week (although most are around 15-20 hours). We meet all CSWE competency requirements. Students receive 3-3.5 hours of individual and group supervision per week.

Macro internship: 2 spots per semester

This internship is excellent for students in their foundation year, who are unsure of what they would like to do in social work, or concentration year students that are passionate about macro work. Students in this track will engage in activities such as individual/group DBT and life skills coaching, case management, grant writing, research, public education, policy formation, advocacy, and program development.

Clinical internship: 6 spots per semester

This internship is open to concentration year students only. In this placement, students carry a caseload of clients in individual, family, and group therapy, as well as supportive skill-building for clients in our intensive trauma treatment program. Students also have opportunities to participate in grant writing, research, public education, policy formation, advocacy, and program development as available and interested.

To read more about our program, you can visit

** Can accommodate fully remote placements

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