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MSW Field Placement

MSW Field Placement Directory Amirah, Inc

Amirah, Inc

Address: 10 Cummings Center
City: Beverly
Zip/Postal Code: 01915
Phone Number(s): 978-335-7571
On-Site Supervisor/Contact: Tori Devine

Description: Amirah exists to provide aftercare, resources, and opportunities to adult women who have experienced different forms of sexual exploitation, sex trafficking, and prostitution. We do this by offering residential opportunities, wrap-around services, and external education, all with the goal of helping women leave poverty, addiction, and exploitation behind.

Our supportive services include comprehensive case management, economic stability planning, housing navigation, support groups, individual coaching, and peer care navigation. We provide supportive services to clients living in our residential program, those housed in other local housing programs, and clients housed independently or seeking housing placement.

Our training and education programs provide general and advanced seminars on the commercial sex trade and best practices in working with people trading sex and those who experience sex trafficking. We offer trainings to general community groups, law enforcement, service providers, and higher education institutions.

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