Science Prerequisites Course Materials
Visit the UNE Bookstore to order your course materials.
ANAT 1005: Anatomy for the Health Professions
Martini FH, Tallitsch RB, Nath JL. Human Anatomy. 9th ed. Pearson. 2018. ISBN-13 978-0134320762
Dissection Lab Kit
Hands-On Lab (HOL) Kit
The kit must be purchased through HOL/Science Interactive and cannot be purchased second-hand or from another vendor. Kits can take 5 – 7 business days to arrive. For help ordering your HOL Kit, please follow the “Getting Started with Hands-On Labs” guide in Brightspace, in the Welcome and Getting Started section. For customer service concerns, please use the HOL/Science Interactive dedicated phone line (720-360-4034).
Visible Body Suite
This course uses the Visible Body Suite, a comprehensive 3D atlas of the human body. You will be directed to use it throughout this course to view content, perform virtual 3D dissections, and complete self-check quizzes. The Visible Body Suite is available at no charge via the UNE Library Databases, or you may choose to purchase it as an app for your phone, tablet, or computer from the App Store or Google Play.
UNE-Compliant External Webcam – To be used during proctored exams
*Please note: The two proctored exams, midterm and final, are closed book and closed notes, meaning that no resources, whiteboard, scratch paper, writing utensils, or any aide will be permitted for the duration of the exam.
ANPS 1010: Anatomy and Physiology I
Main Texts
- Openstax — Anatomy and Physiology, 2nd edition
- McGraw Hill A&P digital suite — book agnostic, requires purchase
- Human Skeleton – options for purchase in course
- Anatomy Zone — videos
- University of Washington — Nursing OER
- University of Utah — HEAL collection
ANPS 1011: Anatomy and Physiology II
Main Texts
- Openstax — Anatomy and Physiology, 2nd edition
- McGraw Hill A&P digital suite — book agnostic, requires purchase
- Note: if you are doing this course directly after ANPS 1010, your subscription may still be active
- Anatomy Zone — videos
- University of Washington — Nursing OER
- University of Utah — HEAL collection
ANTH 1011: Cultural Anthropology
Balée, W. (2016). Inside cultures : A new introduction to cultural anthropology. Taylor & Francis Group.
Kottak, C. (2019). Cultural anthropology: Appreciating cultural diversity. McGraw-Hill. ProQuest Ebook Central.
UNE-Compliant Webcam and Whiteboard – Portal for UNE Online Students – To be used during proctored exams
Lacy, Scott M. (2017). Anthropology and the Study of Humanity. [Kanopy video series]. The Great Courses.
BIOL 1010: Biology I
Biology, 6th edition by Brooker, Widmair, Graham and Stiling
The text for this course is an ebook with homework assignments as part of your purchase. You can buy access to these at the UNE bookstore or after you have enrolled in the course, you can buy it directly from the publisher by clicking on the first homework link. If you purchase it from the bookstore, it will ask for a course website. Simply go to the first week and click on the first homework link. You can then enter your access code there.
Note: for students planning to enroll in Biology II following this course, the same book and homework system will be used. The access that you purchase for Biology I will last for one calendar year so that if you complete both courses within this time frame, you will NOT need to purchase any additional text materials for Biology II. You will be able to use the same code that you used in Biology I for the text.
Lab & Exam Material
UNE-compliant webcam and whiteboard – To be used during proctored exams
Make sure to have a UNE-compliant external camera to be used during proctored exams.
UNE-authorized whiteboard (optional) – Can be used during your proctored exams! This course permits the use of a dry-erase whiteboard for scratch work during one or more of your proctored exams. No scratch paper is permitted.
You must show on camera that your whiteboard is clear at the beginning of your testing session, and you must erase your whiteboard in front of the camera before disconnecting from your session. If you do not do this, your exam will not be credited.
Hands On Lab/Science Interactive (HOL) Kit
The cost of the laboratory materials is not included in the laboratory fee and must be purchased by the student directly from the supplier, Hands on Labs/Science Interactive (HOL). The lab pack includes access to the online HOL website and the supplies needed to perform the experiments that will accompany this course. You may need to supply other basic items such as paper towels, scissors, a pen, etc. but these will all be listed in the laboratory information from HOL.
For the best experience, check the system requirements from the publisher.
- It is mandatory for students enrolled in the course to order a lab kit.
- The kit must be purchased directly through Hands-on Labs and cannot be purchased second hand or from another vendor.
- Students must complete both parts of every lab – the assigned experiment and the corresponding assignment online – to earn a grade for the lab.
For help ordering your HOL Kit, please follow the instructions on the SI site. NOTE: you do NOT need a microscope, we will be using the V-Scope (virtual scope) in these labs.
For customer service concerns, please use the HOL dedicated phone line: (720)-360-4034
BIOL 1011: Biology II
Biology, 6th edition by Brooker, Widmair, Graham and Stiling
The text for this course is an ebook with homework assignments as part of your purchase. You can buy access to these at the UNE bookstore or after you have enrolled in the course, you can buy it directly from the publisher by clicking on the first homework link. If you purchase it from the bookstore, it will ask for a course website. Simply go to the first week site and click on the first homework link. You can then enter your access code there.
Note: for students who took Biology I prior to this course, the same book and homework system will be used. The access that you purchase for Biology I will last for one calendar year so that if you complete both courses within this time frame, you will NOT need to purchase any additional text materials for Biology II. You will be able to use the same code that you used in Biology I for the text.
Lab & Exam Material
UNE-compliant webcam and whiteboard – To be used during proctored exams
Make sure to have a UNE-compliant external camera to be used during proctored exams.
UNE-authorized whiteboard (optional) – Can be used during your proctored exams! This course permits the use of a dry-erase whiteboard for scratch work during one or more of your proctored exams. No scratch paper is permitted.
You must show on camera that your whiteboard is clear at the beginning of your testing session, and you must erase your whiteboard in front of the camera before disconnecting from your session. If you do not do this, your exam will not be credited.
Hands On Lab/Science Interactive (HOL) Kit
The cost of the laboratory materials is not included in the laboratory fee and must be purchased by the student directly from the supplier, Hands on Labs/Science Interactive (HOL). The lab pack includes access to the online HOL website and the supplies needed to perform the experiments that will accompany this course. You may need to supply other basic items such as paper towels, scissors, a pen, etc. but these will all be listed in the laboratory information from HOL.
For the best experience, check the system requirements from the publisher.
- It is mandatory for students enrolled in the course to order a lab kit.
- The kit must be purchased directly through Hands-on Labs and cannot be purchased second hand or from another vendor.
- Students must complete both parts of every lab – the assigned experiment and the corresponding assignment online – to earn a grade for the lab.
For help ordering your HOL Kit, please follow the instructions on the SI site. NOTE: you do NOT need a microscope, we will be using the V-Scope (virtual scope) in these labs.
For customer service concerns, please use the HOL dedicated phone line: (720)-360-4034
BIOL 1020: Microbiology for the Health Professions
- Eugene W. Nester Microbiology: A Human Perspective. 10th edition. McGraw Hill; 2022. ISBN13: 9781260735505
Note : The e-book version of Nester may not be used on any proctored course exam. Textbooks need to be purchased separately and are not part of your registration fee.
UNE Compliant External Webcam and whiteboard* – To be used during proctored exams
You must show on camera that your whiteboard is clear at the beginning of your testing session, and you must erase your whiteboard in front of the camera before disconnecting from your session. If you do not do this, your exam will not be credited.
These exams are closed for review. You will not be able to review this exam at any time. Please contact your instructor for specific feedback.
Laboratory Components
To complete the laboratory component of this course, students are directed to purchase the following lab materials:
- Hands on Labs (HOL) Kit
- The kit must be purchased through HOL and cannot be purchased second hand or from another vendor.
- Kits can take 5 – 7 business days to arrive.
- For help ordering your HOL Kit, please follow the “Getting Started with Hands On Labs” guide located on the HOL link in Brightspace.
- The HOL policy on Returns and Refunds will be viewable prior to completing your order.
- HOL lab kits: For customer service concerns, please use the HOL dedicated phone line (720-360-4034).
Students enrolled in the lab portion of the course must complete both parts of every lab – the assigned experiment and the corresponding assignment online – to earn a grade for the lab.
It is only mandatory for students enrolled in the laboratory component of the course to order a lab kit.
The kit must be purchased directly through Hands-on Labs (Science Interactive) and cannot be purchased second-hand or from another vendor.
Students enrolled in lab must complete both parts of every lab – the assigned experiment and the corresponding assignment online – to earn a grade for the lab.
BIOL 1030: Pathophysiology: Mechanisms of Diseases
- Grossman SP, C. Porth’s Pathophysiology: Concepts of altered health states. 9th ed. Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2014.
- NOTE: The recently released 10th edition has differently organized chapters. If you are using the 10th edition, use this table to recognize what readings are required week by week.
UNE-compliant webcam – To be used during proctored exams
- Please note: Exams in this course are closed book and closed notes, meaning that no resources, whiteboard, scratch paper, writing utensils, or any aide will be permitted for the duration of the exam.
- Hands-on Learning/Science Interactive Lab Kit
- The kit must be purchased through HOL/Science Interactive and cannot be purchased secondhand or from another vendor.
- Kits can take 5 – 7 business days to arrive.
- For help ordering your HOL Kit, please follow the “Getting Started with Hands-On Labs” guide in the course.
- For customer service concerns, please use the HOL/Science Interactive dedicated phone line (720-360-4034).
For the best HOL/Science Interactive experience, please use Chrome, Firefox or Safari
BIOL 1040 Genetics
Required Textbook
Klug WS, Cummings MR, Spencer CA, Palladino MA. Concepts of Genetics. 12th ed. Pearson; 2019. ISBN-13: 978-0134604718
Required Lab Materials
To complete the laboratory component of this course, students are directed to purchase the following lab materials:
- Hands on Labs (HOL) Kit
- The kit must be purchased through HOL and cannot be purchased second hand or from another vendor.
- Kits can take 5 – 7 business days to arrive.
- For help ordering your HOL Kit, please follow the “Getting Started with Hands On Labs” guide located on the HOL link in Brightspace.
- The HOL policy on Returns and Refunds will be viewable prior to completing your order.
- HOL lab kits: For customer service concerns, please use the HOL dedicated phone line (720-360-4034).
- Labster Virtual Labs
- Detailed instructions for purchasing access and the instructor course code are located on the Labster Virtual Labs link in Brightspace.
UNE-Compliant Webcam and Whiteboard – Portal for UNE Online Students– To be used during proctored Exams
Dry-Erase Whiteboard with Marker and Eraser for Proctored Exams. This course permits the use of a UNE-compliant dry-erase whiteboard for scratch work during your proctored midterm and final exam. No scratch paper is permitted.
BIOL 1050: Cell Biology
Our required text is Campbell Biology, and you will be accessing it through the MyLab/Mastering platform.
- Taylor, M. R., Simon, E. J., Dickey, J., Hogan, K. A., Burton, R. S., Taylor, M. R., & Campbell, N. A. (2022). Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections. Pearson.
The MyLab/Mastering platform contains full access to eText, assignments and study aides. It is critical AND required. Students can purchase from the publisher directly OR from the bookstore. There are two options for purchasing, select ONE.
OPTION #1: UNE Bookstore – eText only, 18-Month subscription.
OPTION #2: Purchase through MasteringBiology link in BrightSpace course with the option of selecting 18-Months OR 18-Weeks and purchasing looseleaf.
Midterm & Final Exam Materials
This course permits the use of a dry-erase whiteboard for scratch work during one or more of your proctored exams. No scratch paper is permitted.
*Note: There is a discount if you order both the webcam and the whiteboard together. Choose “Whiteboard and Webcam Combo.”
You must show your proctor that your whiteboard is clear at the beginning of your testing session, and you must erase your whiteboard in front of the proctor before disconnecting from your session. If you do not do this, your exam will not be credited.
BIOL 1055: Molecular Biology
Molecular Biology of the Cell by Alberts, 6th edition. (Recommended Book)
Buttons and ribbons for Hands on DNA activity.
UNE-compliant webcam and whiteboard – To be used during proctored exams
BIOL 1060: Immunology
- Primary: Abbas, A. K., Lichtman, A. H., & Pillai, S. (2018). Cellular and molecular immunology (10th ed). Elsevier.
- Secondary: Male, D., Stokes Peebles, R. and Male, V. (2021). Immunology (9th ed.). Elsevier.
Web Resources
- Provided literature material in each week including review articles, original research, and notes.
- Videos and other media
UNE-compliant webcam – To be used during proctored exams; any wide-angle external webcam meeting these tech specs is compliant.
BIOL 1070: Introduction to Pharmacology
Stringer, J. L. (2017). Basic Concepts in Pharmacology: What You Need to Know for Each Drug Class (5th ed.). McGraw-Hill.
Brenner, G. M., & Stevens, C. (2023). Brenner and Stevens Pharmacology (6th ed.). Elsevier.
- Both textbooks are available as free ebooks through the UNE Library.
UNE-compliant webcam – To be used during proctored exams
Digital Resources
Kahoot: Kahoot is a fun and engaging online gaming platform that gives you an opportunity to engage in virtual study group review sessions. Offered as an optional review each week, there will be a Kahoot game scheduled. You will need an account to access the weekly review.
- Open a browser window and navigate to the Kahoot site [] , and select “Sign up for free.”
- On the next page, select “Student,” and then complete the required information.
- Once you have an account, you may choose to download the Kahoot app for Android and iOS devices.
Each week you will receive a Kahoot PIN and quiz ID
CHEM 1000: Survey of Chemistry
Stacy, A. M. (2015). Living by chemistry (2nd ed.). W. H. Freeman and Company.
Saylor Academy. (2012). The basics of general, organic, and biological chemistry.
UNE-compliant webcam – To be used during proctored exams
CHEM 1005: Medical Biochemistry
This course is aligned to four texts; students may CHOOSE which text to use. All texts and readings are freely available online or from the UNE library and are linked in the course materials in D2L Brightspace.
- Rodwell VW, Bender DA, Botham KM, Kennelly PJ, Weil PA. Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry. 31st ed. McGraw-Hill Education LLC; 2018. (UNE Library Access)
- Lieberman M, Peet A, Marks AD. Marks’ Basic Medical Biochemistry: A Clinical Approach. Fifth ed. Wolters Kluwer; 2018. (UNE Library Access)
- Ferrier, D. Lippincott’s illustrated reviews: Biochemistry. 7th ed. Wolters Kluwer Health; 2017. (UNE Library Access)
- LeClair RJ. Cell Biology, Genetics, and Biochemistry for Pre-Clinical Students. Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine; 2021. (OER Online Edition from Pressbooks or LibreTexts.)
Webcam and Whiteboard
CHEM 1010: General Chemistry I – Lab
Lab Material
It is mandatory for students enrolled in lab to order a lab kit.
The kit must be purchased directly through Hands-on Lab/Science Interactive and cannot be purchased secondhand or from another vendor as the unique kit code is vital and is assigned to each student at the time of purchase.
Note: Kits can take 5–7 business days to arrive. On or after your course start date, you can go to the HOL/Science Interactive Cloud link posted in Brightspace to register for your HOL course.
For help ordering your Lab Kit, please follow the “Getting Started with Hands-On Labs” guide in Brightspace. For customer service concerns, please use the HOL/Science Interactive dedicated phone line (720-360-4034).
Do not start any experiments until you read the instructions. If you decide to return your LabPaq you will have to pay the return shipping charge plus a restocking fee.
Dry-Erase Whiteboard with Marker and Eraser (Optional for Proctored Exams)
This course permits the use of a dry-erase whiteboard for scratch work during one or more of your proctored exams. No scratch paper is permitted. The whiteboard must be purchased from the following seller.
UNE-compliant external webcam and whiteboard – To be used during proctored exams
CHEM 1010: General Chemistry I – Lecture
OpenStax Chemistry 2e, available for free in Brightspace.
Dry-Erase Whiteboard with Marker and Eraser (Optional for Proctored Exams)
This course permits the use of a dry-erase whiteboard for scratch work during one or more of your proctored exams. No scratch paper is permitted. The whiteboard must be purchased from the following seller.
UNE-compliant webcam and whiteboard – To be used during proctored exams
CHEM 1011: General Chemistry II – Lab
Lab Material
It is mandatory for students enrolled in lab to order a lab kit.
The kit must be purchased directly through Hands-on Lab and cannot be purchased secondhand or from another vendor as the unique kit code is vital and is assigned to each student at the time of purchase.
Note: Kits can take 5–7 business days to arrive. On or after your course start date, you can go to the HOL/Science Interactive module in your course to order your lab kit.
For customer service concerns, please use the HOL/Science Interactive dedicated phone line (720-360-4034).
Do not start any experiments until you read the instructions within the individual course modules. If you decide to return your LabPaq you will have to pay the return shipping charge plus a restocking fee.
CHEM 1011: General Chemistry II – Lecture
OpenStax Chemistry 2e, available for free in Brightspace.
Dry-Erase Whiteboard with Marker and Eraser (Optional for Proctored Exams)
This course permits the use of a dry-erase whiteboard for scratch work during one or more of your proctored exams. No scratch paper is permitted. The whiteboard must be purchased from the following seller.
UNE-compliant webcam and whiteboard – To be used during proctored exams
CHEM 1020: Organic Chemistry I
All assigned readings are available freely online. Two main texts are listed below:
Schaller, C. (n.d.). Structure and reactivity in organic, biological and inorganic chemistry.
Lumen Learning. (n.d.). Organic chemistry 1: An open textbook.
- Required: Subscription to Achieve ($42). Enrollment details are available in Brightspace.
- Strongly Recommended: An organic chemistry model kit such as this kit on Amazon.
UNE-compliant webcam and whiteboard – To be used during proctored exams
CHEM 1020L: Organic Chemistry I Lab
Subscription to Labflow ($50, plus tax). Signup details are available in Brightspace.
UNE-compliant external webcam and whiteboard – To be used during proctored exams
CHEM 1021: Organic Chemistry II
All assigned readings are available freely online. The three main texts are listed below:
Schaller, C. (n.d.). Structure & Reactivity in Organic, Biological and Inorganic Chemistry.
Lumen Learning (n.d.). Organic Chemistry I.
Lumen Learning. (n.d.). Organic Chemistry II.
- Required: Subscription to Achieve ($42). Enrollment details are available in Brightspace.
- Strongly Recommended: An organic chemistry model kit such as this kit on Amazon.
UNE-approved webcam and whiteboard – To be used during proctored exams
CHEM 1021L: Organic Chemistry II Lab
Subscription to Labflow ($50, plus tax). Signup details are available in Brightspace.
CHEM 1050: Biochemistry
Rodwell VW, Bender DA, Botham KM, Kennelly PJ, Weil PA. Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry. 32nd ed. McGraw-Hill Education LLC; 2018. (UNE Library Access)
UNE-compliant webcam and whiteboard – To be used during proctored exams
COMN 1010: Public Speaking
- Tucker, B, Barton, K., Burger, A., Drye, J., Hunsicker, C., Mendes, A., & LeHew, M. (2019). Exploring public speaking: The open educational resource college public speaking textbook (4th ed.). Communication Open Textbooks.
In this course, you will be enacting a podcast assignment. It is recommended that you download and familiarize yourself with Audacity.
Mandatory UNE-approved webcam – To be used during proctored exams
ECON 1010: Introduction to Microeconomics
Open Education Resources (Free) we will use in this course:
Greenlaw, S. A., & Shapiro, D. (2011). Principles of microeconomics 2e. OpenStax.
Saylor Academy. (2012). Microeconomics: Theory through applications. Licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA license.
Mandatory UNE-approved webcam – To be used during proctored exams
ECON 1011: Macroeconomics
Required Textbook
This is an open access textbook available online at no cost.
Mandatory UNE-approved webcam – To be used during proctored exams
ENGL 1010: English Composition I
Burrows, E., Fowler, A., Fowler, H., & Locklear, A. (n.d.). Composing ourselves and our world. CC BY 4.0
ENGL 1011: English Composition II
Guptill, A. (2016). Writing in college: From competence to excellence. Open SUNY. CC BY-NC-SA
EXSP 1010: Exercise Physiology
Draper, N., & Marshall, H. (2014). Exercise physiology for health and sports performance [eBook edition]. Pearson Education.
The textbook is available as an electronic resource through the UNE library.
You will need to have the UNE-approved webcam for the ed midterm in this course.
UNE-Compliant Webcam and Whiteboard – Portal for UNE Online Students
This course uses 12 virtual labs from Labster virtual laboratories that you will need to purchase.
To purchase access to Labster ($70), please follow the directions below:
- You will receive an invitation email in Brightspace that will prompt you to set up a Labster account. Click the link in that email and create your Labster account.
- Once you have created an account in Labster, launching a simulation will trigger a request to purchase access.
- You will be prompted to purchase access to Labster by credit card. You will only be prompted to purchase access once.
- If you have any questions about the payment or process, please email
- Once you have used the link to set up an account and purchase access, you can bookmark to return to the platform, or you can continue to use the link in your original email.
- You can follow your score and progress in the Student Dashboard.
For additional information about Labster, consult this information sheet.
Labster is a required part of this course. You will need to use a laptop or desktop computer for this course since Labster is not compatible with phones or tablets.
To work successfully with the Labster tool, DO
- Use a laptop or desktop computer
- Use Firefox (recommended) or Chrome
- Close other websites and software
- Wait until the simulation loads to 100%
To work successfully with the Labster tool, DO NOT
- Use a tablet or other mobile device
- Use Safari or other browsers
- Run other software and websites
- Click away while the simulation loads
HSTL 1010: Histology
Histology & its methods of study. Mescher A.L.(Ed.), (2018). Junqueira’s Basic Histology: Text and Atlas, 15e. McGraw-Hill.§ionid=190275881 [found in UNE library]
A UNE-compliant webcam – To be used during proctored exams
Draw It To Know It (DITKI) software:
Subscription is required. The fee is $14.99 per month. This is a self-paced 16 week course. The monthly subscription will need to be continued until the course is completed.
MATH 1010: College Algebra
Abramson, J. (2020). College algebra. OpenStax.
- Desmos Function Graphing Calculator
- Desmos Scientific Calculator
- Additional videos and practice problems available from Khan Academy: Algebra (All Content)
A UNE-compliant external webcam to be used during proctored exam
MATH 1020: Calculus I
Herman, E., & Strang, G. Calculus volume 1. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
Digital Platforms
Students will need a MyOpenMath account for homework assignments and exams.
Mandatory UNE-compliant webcam – To be used during proctored exam
Calculators: The TI-83 and TI-84 family of calculators are approved for use on the proctored Midpoint and Final Exams of the course. It is recommended that a student has access to one of these calculators and is familiar with how to use it. If a student is unfamiliar with how to use the functionality of the calculator, a simple internet search will offer many examples. Simply search for the topic and the model of calculator that you have. For example, a student could search for, “Finding limits numerically TI-83.”
MATH 1021: Calculus II
Herman, E., & Strang, G. Calculus volume 2. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
Digital Platforms
Students will need a MyOpenMath account for homework assignments.
A UNE-compliant external webcam to be used during proctored exam
MATH 1030: Intro to Statistics
Good news: your textbook for this class is available for free online! If you prefer, you can also get a print version at a very low cost.
Illowsky, B., Dean, S. (2020). Introductory Statistics. OpenStax.
Digital ISBN 1947172050
Print ISBN 1938168208
This textbook is available in web view and PDF. You can also choose to purchase on iBooks or get a print version via the campus bookstore or from OpenStax on
You can use whichever format you want. Web view is recommended — the responsive design works seamlessly on any device. If you buy on Amazon, make sure you use the link on your book page on so you get the official OpenStax print version. (Simple printouts sold by third parties on Amazon are not verifiable and not as high-quality.)
Publish Date: Sep 19, 2013
Microsoft Office: Word and Excel (Free to UNE students)
Scientific or graphing calculator (TI-83+ or TI-84)
UNE-compliant webcam and whiteboard – To be used during proctored exams
MATH 1050: Applied Statistics
- Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics 5th Edition (North American Edition)
Andy Field, Sage, 2018; ISBN-10: 1526436566 - The textbook and SPSS are sometimes offered as a bundle, but this bundle does not include the version of SPSS you will need for this course!
SPSS Software
You will need to purchase the SPSS Statistics Standard GradPack 25 software to complete this course. SPSS Statistics Standard GradPack 25 is available in Windows and Mac versions, as either 6-month or 12-month rentals. If you are a macOS Big Sur user, you will need to utilize the Standard GradPack 27.
- You may purchase the SPSS Statistics Standard GradPack 25 software from IBM’s official SPSS distributors at this link:
- Be sure to purchase the Standard GradPack 25. The Base GradPack 25 does not include important functions you will need to complete this course! (The Premium GradPack 25 will also allow you to complete the course, but is more expensive than the Standard GradPack 25, and includes some extra functions and tools not needed for this course.)
Scientific Calculator
You will need access to a scientific calculator for this course. Any calculator that has an exponent and square root key suffices. Using cell phones or online calculators is not recommended. If you need to purchase a calculator you need to make sure it is “scientific”. There are many inexpensive options available that will suffice for this class as most calculations will be done using SPSS.
Textbooks, software, and calculators need to be purchased separately and are not part of your registration fee.
UNE-compliant webcam and whiteboard* – To be used during proctored exams
MEDT 1000: Medical Terminology
- Medical terminology express: A short-course approach by body system, 3rd edition (online access included).
- For purchase discounts, please see Welcome and Getting Started in the course
Webcam – To be used during proctored exams
- Please note: Exams are closed book and closed notes, meaning that no resources, whiteboard, scratch paper, writing utensils, or any aide will be permitted for the duration of the exam.
NTRN 1010: Principles of Human Nutrition
- Nutrition: Science and Applications. Lori A. Smolin & Mary B. Grosvenor, 4th Edition, Wiley, 2016
ISBN: 978-1119087106 - NutriCalc
- Student Registration Link
- Click on “Buy Online”, and then enter the country (United States), the state (Maine), and the school name (University of New England Biddeford).
- Cost is $19.99
Additional Materials
Required: Webcam for Proctored Exams
An external webcam is required for proctored exams. If you do not have one, you may order one here: UNE’s Recommended External Webcam and whiteboard.
Dry-Erase Whiteboard with Marker and Eraser (Optional for Proctored Exams)
This course permits the use of a dry-erase whiteboard for scratch work during one or more of your proctored exams. No scratch paper is permitted.
PHIL 1010: Introduction to Ethics
Various readings and multimedia are used in this course, but the following are the primary texts:
Matthews, G. (2020) Introduction to Philosophy: Ethics. Rebus Community.
Zaita, E.N. (2021). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford University.
Mandatory UNE-approved webcam – To be used during proctored exams
Supplemental Resources
The following resources will be useful during the course:
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University
Critical Thinking Web, University of Hong Kong
How to Write a Philosophy Paper, Harvard University
PHSL 1010: Medical Physiology
There are two required materials for this course.
- Mastering A&P Access Code (Modified Mastering) – the access code grants access to MyPhysioEx and the eTextbook for the course.
- UNE-Compliant Webcam
1. Mastering A&P Access Code (Modified Mastering)
Note: You must register for Modified Mastering through Brightspace. We recommend that you always access your Modified Mastering course through Brightspace after that.
- Sign in to Brightspace and enter your course.
- Select any Pearson link in the Content area under “Pearson’s MyLab and A&P Mastering”.
- Enter your Pearson account username and password.
- If you don’t have a Pearson account, select Create and follow the instructions.
- Buy access using a credit card or PayPal account.
NOTE: the eText for this course is included in the purchase of the Mastering A&P (Modified Mastering) digital suite.
- Silverthorn, Dee U., et al. Human physiology: an integrated approach, 8e. San Francisco: Pearson, 2019
For the best experience, check the system requirements from the publisher.
2. UNE-compliant external webcam – to be used during proctored exams
PHYS 1010: Physics I
College Physics
OpenStax College
Rice University
ISBN-13: 978-1-938168-00-0
Available free online:
Optional text for deliberate practice:
E. Hecht, Schaum’s Outlines College Physics, 12th edition, McGraw-Hill Education, ISBN-13: 978-1259587399, (2018).
UNE-Compliant Webcam and Whiteboard – Portal for UNE Online Students
Lab Material
iOLab data collection unit: Available to rent or buy from; ISBN: 9781319321185
All of the online simulators used in the course are available for free from:
PhET Interactive Simulations
University of Colorado Boulder
Other household objects as specified in the weekly lab instructions, including:
- 5 Large Washers (3/4″ or 1/2″ diameter)
- String (contractor/masonry twine, packaging twine, 550 paracord, or similar small-diameter string or rope)
- 5 round objects of differing diameters
- 12″ ruler or sewing tape measure
- 2 books
- A table or board to use as an inclined plane
- Deck of playing cards or object of similar dimensions
- Large glass for water (>16 oz.)
PHYS 1011: Physics II
College Physics
OpenStax College
Rice University
ISBN-13: 978-1-947172-01-2
Available free online:
UNE-Compliant Webcam and Whiteboard – Portal for UNE Online Students
Lab Materials
Hands-On Lab Kit
Kit number: LP-2850-PK-01
All of the online simulators used in the course are available for free from:
PhET Interactive Simulations
University of Colorado Boulder
PSYO 1010: Introduction to Psychology
Spielman, R. M., Jenkins, W. J., & Lovett, M. D. (2020). Psychology (2nd ed.). OpenStax.
The materials embedded within the LMS are required. All other materials linked in the OpenStax textbook are recommended but are not mandatory.
Electronic Resources
UNE-Compliant Webcam and Whiteboard – Portal for UNE Online Students
- We will use modules in the Online Psychology Laboratory from the American Psychological Association.
- To access them, sign up for a free student account using your UNE email address:
PSYO 1020: Developmental Psychology
Lally, M. & Valentine-French, S. (2019). Lifespan development: A psychological perspective (2nd edition). Creative Commons.
Mandatory UNE-compliant webcam – To be used during proctored exams
PSYO 1030: Abnormal Psychology
This course uses a freely available, Open Educational Resource (OER) textbook:
Bridley, A., & Daffin, L. W. (2021). Essentials of abnormal psychology. Washington State University.
An UNE-Compliant Webcam and Whiteboard is required for proctored exams. If you do not have one, you may order one here: UNE-Compliant Webcam and Whiteboard – Portal for UNE Online Students.
American Psychiatric Association. (2022). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5-TR (Fifth Edition Text Revision). American Psychiatric Association Publishing.
SOCI 1010: Introduction to Sociology
Griffiths, H., Keirns, N., Strayer, E., Sadler, T., Cody-Rydzewski, S., Scaramuzzo, G., Vyain, S., Bry, J., & Jones, F. (2015). Introduction to sociology (2nd ed.). OpenStax.
UNE-compliant external webcam– To be used during proctored exams
Supplemental Resources
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Ed.). (available from the UNE Library)
An external webcam is required for proctored exams. If you do not have one, you may order one here: UNE-compliant External Webcam and whiteboard.